Prescribed Burns

Saracen has been called in on standby during prescribed burns carried out by Alberta Forestry to provide sprinkler protection and Urban Interface protection


Since 2011 Saracen has been busy every fire season across the whole of Alberta. Deployments from Zammer City to Crows Nest Pass. During the Slave Lake fires Saracen was deployed to Lac le Biche to cover fires in Chisolm. Saracen worked both the Fort Mac and High Level fires.

What We Offer

The company was originally involved in risk assessment and hazard mitigation. Carrying out risk assessments for environment and oil and gas when working in hazardous areas.

This developed into training for swiftwater and ice rescue.

About Our Company


Saracen have recently been called upon to provide a safe work place for those industries that work near, on or in water. Oil and gas, Tv and Movie sets. Tin Star, Wynona Earp, Fargo, Guilty Party, Ghost Busters to name a few.


In 2011 Saracen built its first Type 3 wildland fire engine Engine 33 and successfully won a contract to work for Alberta Forestry. This contract has been renewed every year since.

Saracen started in 2009 as a limited company with four owner directors.